[CHEMICAL ENGINEERING] Shortcut distillation - FENSKE-UNDERWOOD-GILLILAND-KIRKBRIDE! (how?) PART 2: Underwood Equation

In this post we shall continue the discussion of the Fenske-Underwood-Gilliland-Kirkbride method, in particular, the Underwood equations.


Anyway, an important assumption in the following calculations is that the nonkey components do not distribute (ie. nonkey components are intermediate in volatility between the keys; as after all, this is a shortcut method); as it will make computations much simpler. Also, as with the Fenske equation, I will not be discussing how the equations have been derived.

So just a little summary of results from the previous Fenske discussion here:

We use the Underwood equations to get Rmin, or the minimum reflux ratio. There are actually "two" forms of this single equation; the first form is used to calculate ∅, the the absorption factor for a reference component in the rectifying-section pinch-point zone. The second one is used to compute for the value of Rmin itself. 

The first form of the Underwood equation is defined as:

where αi with the overbar is the mean relative volatility, xFi is the feed concentration, and q is the quality of the feed (where 0 is saturated vapor and 1 is saturated liquid). We need to determine the value of ∅ in order to calculate the value of the minimum reflux ratio using the second Underwood equation, defined as:

where xDi is the distillate composition.

The remaining question now, is how to determine ∅. The most important thing to note is that it lies between the relative volatilities of the light key and the heavy key; that is:

αLK > ∅ > αHK

This is the reason why we used the heavy key's relative volatility as reference: this makes finding ∅ easier as it will be greater than 1, but less than the relative volatility of the lighter key. 

A basic algorithm for computing ∅ can take the form of:

  1. First, calculate 1 - q; then
  2. Guess some random value between αLK and 1
  3. Calculate for each component 
  4. Take the sum, this sum must be equal to 1 - q.
This is easily done in MS Excel Solver. The final converged value is  = 1.43;

Next, we use this value of ∅ to calculate the value of Rmin:

Therefore, the minimum reflux ratio for the separation Rmin = 1.17.

Next we will discuss the use of the Gilliland correlation, to determine the number of actual plates given a desired reflux ratio, or vice-versa.
